Arranging & Orchestration
Eoin began orchestrating and arranging during his teenage years when he arranged popular hits from the charts for the music ensemble he was apart of in Music Matters. Since then he has created many vocal arrangements and orchestrations for many musical projects. Eoin also worked as musical supervisor for the new musical The Greenbrier Murder of 1982 which premiered at the Irish Musical Theatre Intervarsities in 2018.
In 2022, during his studies at RCS, Eoin arranged and orchestrated a medley of Celtic, Folk & Rock music entitled "Beatha and Cheoil". This was performed and recorded with a compliment of 18 musicians and 5 singers. Click Here to watch the recording.
Eoin has strong knowledge of music technology and uses Sibelius Ultimate to create his arrangements and orchestrations. Some sample arrangements are available below.

Northern Star
One of Eoin's most recent accolades is as Musical Supervisor for the new musical, Northern Star. Northern Star follows the journey of a young man as he tries to bring back the woman he loves, no matter the cost.
With music and lyrics by Jared Alexander, this new musical sets out to process the subject of grief and how we as people hold it and handle it.
Originally conceived as a concert style production, Northern Star has evolved into a staged and expanded musical looking to be produced in the future.
The concept album of Northern Star is available on all major streaming platforms and features arrangements and orchestrations by Eoin.